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Sailing voyage Z13-23: Mile builder: UK -> NED (375M)

Z13-23: Sailing holidays & Mile builder: UK -> NED (375M)  

From Torquay, we will sail across the English Channel to Rotterdam. Weather and tide will eventually determine our route, but the plan is to do this in manageable legs. In general, we will not sail at night for the first few days so that everyone can get used to the ship. If the weather and tides cooperate, we can head to Cowes on the Isle of Wight, along the Needles up the Solent. There might be time to explore the island before we prepare for a long leg to Dover. about 120 miles, which definitky means sailing at night in a watch system.

Dover is an atmospheric workboat harbour with a new marina and with ferries constantly sailing in and out from France, nice to see and we will have to ask permission to enter. Dover castle (with another ruined Roman tower) stands imposingly atop the famous ‘White Cliffs’. If the weather cooperates, we will still have time to visit Dover Castle (with a whole corridor system underneath from WWII), or walk up the White Cliffs of Dover to the lighthouse with stunning views over the English Channel. The lighthouse with a vintage interior serves, among other things, delicious scones, very British, very nice.

We then cross the ‘shipping lanes’ in the straits of Calais, the narrowest and busiest part of the English Channel. The remainder is so incredibly busy with shipping lanes, fishing vessels, fish & wind farms that we first make a tide stop on the French coast.
Then comes the final 110-mile leg to Rotterdam, our season finale. Sailing up the Nieuwe Waterweg is impressive with all the shipping, especially in the dark. The last leg through the city centre is very pretty with Rotterdam’s beautiful new skyline and we also sail under the Erasmus Bridge.

If you like, you can book an extra night on board in Rotterdam for €75 should it be more convenient for your return trip home.




Information about this sailing holiday

Zeilvakantie:Z13-23Segeltörn:Z13-23Sailing holiday:Z13-23
Boordprijs:€ 1.475,-per persoonBordpreisse:€ 1.475,-pro PersonBoard Price:€ 1.475,-per person
Boordkas:€ 110,-per persoon, contantBordkasse:€ 110,-pro Person, barBoard cash:€ 110,-per person, cash
Vertrek:Torquay (U.K.)Transfer informatieAbfahrt:Torquay (U.K.)Transfer informationDeparture:Torquay (U.K.)Transfer information
Inschepen (18.30 uur):Dinsdag03-10-2023Einschiffen (18.30 uhr):Dienstag03-10-2023Boarding (18.30 uur):Tuesday03-10-2023
Aankomst:Rotterdam (NL)Transfer informatieAnkunft:Rotterdam (NL)Transfer informationArrival:Rotterdam (NL)Transfer information
Ontschepen (16.00 uur):Woensdag11-10-2023Ontschepen (16.00 uur):Mittwoch11-10-2023Ontschepen (16.00 uur):Wednesday11-10-2023
Aantal dagen:8BagageTagen:8GepäckDays:8Luggage
Categorie:A/BVerklaring categorieënKategorie:A/BErklärung KategorienCategory:A/BExplanation of categories

Participants of this sailing holiday

Man/ VrouwVrouwMan
Boeking/OptieExtra CrewBoekingvrijvrijvrijvrijXXBuchung/OptionenExtra CrewBuchungFreiFreiFreiFreiXXBooking/OptionExtra CrewBookingfreefreefreefreeXX

Sailing holiday Prices 

The ‘board price’ of the voyage is the rent for ship and crew, which must be paid up front.

The ‘board cash’ is the amount per person for the food and drink on board (including crew), as well as fuel, water, shore, port fees and taxes, but excluding trips, food and drinks ashore. This amount must be paid upon embarkation in cash to the skipper (in the appropriate currency). What remains after the sailing holiday, will be refunded.

With less than 3 participants, the ‘board cash’ is usually not sufficient. In that case, there will be a surcharge of up to € 50 per person.


Sailing holidays discount

Customer Discount:
If you book a second sailing holiday with us within a year, you’ll get 5% off the ‘board price’.

Group discount:
If you book a sailing holiday as a group (more than 3 passengers), you will receive 5% discount per person on the ‘board price’.

Youth Discount:
If you are under 29 years old, you will get 10% discount on the ‘board price’.

Discounts can not be combined with each other.


Sailing holiday with your own private cabin

If you would like  a private cabin (room), you can reserve this for 1.6 times theboard price’.



Sailing holiday categories

Category A:
Offshore crossings, includes also sailing throughout the nights. Passengers will also be grouped in the watch system.

Category B:
Offshore sailing holidays, there will be no sailing throughout the nights, but occasionally a late arrival at the harbour (or an early departure), depending on the weather.

Category C:
Relaxed sailing holidays with shorter sailing distances, including more time for sightseeing and sometimes a nice land excursion.

Category D:
Sailing holiday specials, from ‘Sailing holidays with Yoga’ up to expedition sailing. Not every season available.

Category E:
Sailing holiday’s with extra sailtraining.

Category F:
Sailing holidays with also small children on board.