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Sailing voyage Z05-25: Crossing; Ireland – Scilly’s – Cornwall

Z05-25: Crossing; Ireland – Scilly’s – Cornwall (350M)       

From Dublin, we will set sail for Falmouth on England’s south-west coast in Cornwall. From the Irish Sea across the Celtic Sea around Land’s End,via the Scilly Isles. Weather and tide will ultimately determine our route, but the plan is to do this in manageable stages.

The first one or two days we will stay on the Irish coast, so everyone can get used to the ship quietly. A nice stretch along the beautiful Irish coast and out of Dublin.

Then we will cross towards the Scilly Isles, a distance of about 135 to 200 miles. That means one or two nights at sea, where we will sail on in a watch system.

We sail with a 3-watch system, 3 hours on and 6 hours off. In this way, you ‚ll still get enough rest and you ‚ll be sharp when your watch starts. Especially when it is colder (at night), this system makes it more comfortable to be on watch.

The Scillys do not have a harbour, but there are several attractive anchorages. Depending on the wind, we will pick the best one and the tide will determine when (and if) we can anchor there. If the weather cooperates, we will have a day to recuperate and stretch our legs on one of the beautiful islands, which appear subtropical due to their beautiful vegetation, beaches and clear waters. On the final leg, we will round Land’s End and sail from the Ocean into the English Channel. This sailing trip is planned a little longer, which means that if the weather cooperates, we can call at the fishing port of Newlyn or anchor in the Hellford River.

Falmouth is a beautiful and welcoming harbour, where we end the trip in a nice restaurant and, of course, a beer in a cosy pub in the evening.

Read more about our sailing holidays in Ireland
Read more about our sailing holidays in Great Britain


Information about this sailing holiday

Zeilvakantie:Z05-25Segeltörn:Z05-25Sailing holiday:Z05-25
Boordprijs:€ 2.039,- per persoonBordpreisse:€ 2.039,-pro PersonBoard Price:€ 2.039,-per person
Boordkas:€ 0Niet van toepassingBordkasse:€ 0Nicht anwendbarBoard cash:€ 0Not applicable
Vertrek:DublinTransfer informatieAbfahrt:DublinTransfer informationDeparture:DublinTransfer information
Inschepen (18.30 uur):Donderdag10-07-2025Einschiffen (18.30 uhr):Donnerstag10-07-2025Boarding (18.30 uur):Thursday10-07-2025
Aankomst:FalmouthTransfer informatieAnkunft:FalmouthTransfer informationArrival:FalmouthTransfer information
Ontschepen (10.30 uur):Zaterdag19-07-2025Ausschiffen (10.30 uur):Samstag19-07-2025Disembark (10.30 uur):Saturday19-07-2025
Aantal dagen:8,5BagageTagen:8,5GepäckDays:8,5Luggage
Categorie:A/CVerklaring categorieënKategorie:A/CErklärung KategorienCategory:A/CExplanation of categories

Participants of this sailing holiday

Man/ VrouwManVrouwXXMann/ FrauMannFrauXXMale/ FemaleMaleFemaleXX
Boeking/OptieExtra crewBoekingBoekingvrijvrijvrijXXBuchung/OptionenExtra crewBuchungBuchungFreiFreiFreiXXBooking/OptionExtra crewBookingBookingavailableavailableavailableXX

Sailing holiday Prices 

The ‘board price’ of the voyage is the rent for ship and crew, which must be paid up front.

The ‘board cash’ is the amount per person for the food and drink on board (including crew), as well as fuel, water, shore, port fees and taxes, but excluding trips, food and drinks ashore. This amount must be paid upon embarkation in cash to the skipper (in the appropriate currency). What remains after the sailing holiday, will be refunded.

With less than 3 participants, the ‘board cash’ is usually not sufficient. In that case, there will be a surcharge of up to € 50 per person.


Sailing holidays discount

Customer Discount:
If you book a second sailing holiday with us within a year, you’ll get 5% off the ‘board price’.

Group discount:
If you book a sailing holiday as a group (more than 3 passengers), you will receive 5% discount per person on the ‘board price’.

Youth Discount:
If you are under 29 years old, you will get 10% discount on the ‘board price’.

Discounts can not be combined with each other.


Sailing holiday with your own private cabin

If you would like  a private cabin (room), you can reserve this for 1.6 times theboard price’.



Sailing holiday categories

Category A:
Offshore crossings, includes also sailing throughout the nights. Passengers will also be grouped in the watch system.

Category B:
Offshore sailing holidays, there will be no sailing throughout the nights, but occasionally a late arrival at the harbour (or an early departure), depending on the weather.

Category C:
Relaxed sailing holidays with shorter sailing distances, including more time for sightseeing and sometimes a nice land excursion.

Category D:
Sailing holiday specials, from ‘Sailing holidays with Yoga’ up to expedition sailing. Not every season available.

Category E:
Sailing holiday’s with extra sailtraining.

Category F:
Sailing holidays with also small children on board.